What are Homestuck Troll Names?
Homestuck is a webcomic created by Andrew Hussie. It is about a group of teenagers who accidentally caused world destruction by installing a beta version of an upcoming video game.
They later encounter Homestuck characters, who initially appear to be internet trolls but turn out to be actual aliens. The focus of this name generator is to name these Homestuck trolls.
Homestuck Troll Name Generator
Our Homestuck Names Generator is a free online tool to get funny and unique troll names with a click of a mouse.
Press the Generate Names button to get 10 name ideas for your username. click on the button to generate 10 random names to use for your story or as a username.
Click until you find the perfect troll screen name.

Homestuck Troll Name Ideas
Our Homestuck Fan Troll Name Generator will help you to get quick name ideas, but If you are a true fan of Homestuck and looking for fantastic troll Name Ideas based on Homestuck rules.
Then, this article will help you to get more random funny naming ideas generated especially for the Homestuck community.
- Aradia Ampora
- Tavros Vantas
- Sollux Captor
- Karkat Makara
- Nepeta Leijon
- Kanaya Maryam
- Terezi Pyrope
- Vriska Serket
- Equius Zahhak
- Gamzee Makara
- Eridan Ampora
- Feferi Peixes
- Damara Makara
- Rufioh Nitram
- Mituna Captor
- Kankri Vantas
- Meulin Leijon
- Porrim Maryam
- Latula Pyrope
- Aranea Serket
- Horuss Zahhak
- Kurloz Makara
- Cronus Ampora
- Meenah Peixes
- Calliope Makara
- Caliborn Leijon
- Arquius Zahhak
- Elwurd Pyrope
- Remele Namaaq
- Polypa Goezee

Homestuck Troll Name Rules:
In Homestuck, according to the author, Andrew Hussie, all young trolls have first and last names that are both 6 letters long. The author mentioned that these names are often associated with the troll’s blood color or personality.
As they age, trolls may acquire 8-letter names and titles. There are also a few kids Homestuck characters in the story, who follow naming rules of 4-letter first names and 6 or 7-letter Last names.
Homestuck Troll Name Meanings
In Homestuck, troll names often have specific meanings or associations. Here are the meanings or associations of some common troll names:
Troll Name | Meaning |
Aradia Megido | Aradia is associated with ancient Roman mythology, referring to the goddess of the dead and rebirth. Megido may be derived from “Armageddon,” signifying a great final battle or conflict. |
Tavros Nitram | Tavros is derived from the Greek word “tavros,” which means bull or ox, possibly reflecting his zodiac sign, Taurus. Nitram is Martin spelled backward, possibly referencing Andrew Hussie, the creator of Homestuck. |
Sollux Captor | Sollux is a combination of “solar” and “double,” reflecting his bifurcated vision due to his psionics. Captor may refer to his ability to “capture” or manipulate beams of light. |
Karkat Vantas | Karkat is a variation of “scarab,” a type of beetle, which may relate to his zodiac sign, Cancer. Vantas might be a reference to Vantablack, one of the darkest known substances, reflecting his dark aspect. |
Nepeta Leijon | Nepeta is a genus of plants that includes catnip, reflecting her cat-like nature and love for cats. Leijon is derived from “lion,” signifying her feline traits. |
Kanaya Maryam | Kanaya means “village” in Hebrew, which might relate to her gardening interests and her association with the Mother Grub. Maryam is a variation of “Miriam,” a name with biblical significance. |
Terezi Pyrope | Terezi is derived from “Terezin,” a town in the Czech Republic known for its history during World War II. Pyrope is a type of red gemstone, reflecting her association with the color red and her fiery personality. |
Vriska Serket | Vriska is a variation of “vriski,” which means “scorpion” in Greek, linking to her zodiac sign, Scorpio. Serket is an alternate spelling of “serqet,” an ancient Egyptian scorpion goddess. |
Equius Zahhak | Equius may be derived from “Equus,” the Latin word for horse, reflecting his love for highbloods and strength. Zahhak might be a reference to Zahhāk, a figure in Persian mythology known for his serpentine nature. |
Gamzee Makara | Gamzee is a combination of “gambol,” meaning to dance or frolic, and “easy,” reflecting his carefree and easy-going nature. Makara is a sea creature in Hindu mythology, often depicted as a half-fish, half-crocodile creature. |
Homestuck Human Names
Here are some randomly generated human names in the style of Homestuck. These names can be used for human characters in a Homestuck-inspired story or universe.
- Emily Turner
- Benjamin Hayes
- Sophia Mitchell
- Ethan Cooper
- Olivia Parker
- Liam Nelson
- Ava Adams
- Noah Carter
- Isabella Reed
- Mason Hayes
- Mia Parker
- William Turner
- Amelia Adams
- James Nelson
- Harper Mitchell
- Michael Carter
- Charlotte Reed
- Daniel Hayes
- Evelyn Turner
- Alexander Parker

Homestuck Troll Ancestor Names
Here are some randomly generated troll ancestor names in the style of Homestuck:
Troll Ancestor Name | Inspiration |
Clymdolus | Inspired by Clymene |
Lycaonis | Derived from Lycaon |
Metisera | Inspired by Metis |
Typhoeus | Refers to Typhon |
Seleneus | Inspired by Selene |
Astraeus | Titan of Dusk and stars |
Iapetus | One of the Titans |
Nemeseus | Inspired by Nemesis |
Janicera | Inspired by Janus |
Calydonus | Associated with Calydonian Boar |
Nysius | Named after a river in Boeotia |
Helicona | Inspired by Mount Helicon |
Procrisea | Derived from Procris |
Stygione | Associated with the river Styx |
Porphyras | Refers to a type of purple dye |
Troll Ancestor Name | Inspiration |
Tyrsolida | Inspired by Tyrsenus |
Karkvanta | Derived from Karcaris |
Gamzorosa | Inspired by Gamzopa |
Thavosara | Refers to Thaviara |
Aradixeus | Inspired by Aradia |
Nepetrona | Named after Nepeta |
Terezitus | Inspired by Terezi |
Eridxolus | Derived from Eridan |
Equivanta | Associated with Equius |
Kanaytris | Inspired by Kanaya |
Rules for Homestuck Troll Ancestor Names
There is a special rule for ancestor names in Homestuck. All names should have eight characters, and they often have something to do with the troll’s blood color or personality.
Like Aradia Megido’s ancestor is the Signless, linked to the number eight. Sollux Captor’s ancestor is the Dolorosa, associated with suffering. And Vriska Serket’s ancestor is Mindfang, known for cunning and deception.
When creating a new ancestor name, it is important to keep this rule in mind. However, there is no need to be too strict about it.

Fan Troll Kids Names
Here are some fantasy kids’ names that follow the naming rules.
- Jacey Willowb
- Arlo Winthro
- Tessy Brantle
- Lyle Thompso
- Evie Bennett
- Kane Fullero
- Ryan Collier
- Lexi Burnett
- Milo Parkins
- Nora Anderso
- Jakey Morrows
- Emmy Johnson
- Noah Palmer
- Ivy Sanderso
- Maxie Watson
- Leo Griffins
- Alex Turner
- Gwen Taylors
- Ezra Davies
- Ruby Millers
- Luca Hughes
- Aria Wright
- Finn Parker
- Zoe Taylors
- Liam Wilson
Homestuck Troll Last Names
Here are some Homestuck troll last names, you can use our generator for more ideas.
- Zahhak
- Ampora
- Vantas
- Captor
- Makara
- Leijon
- Maryam
- Pyrope
- Serket
- Peixes
- Nitram
- Megido
- Lalonde
- Egbert
- Strider
- Harley
- English
- Crocker
- Makin
- Tavares
Funny Homestuck Usernames
Here are some funny and creative names for Homestuck fans.
HonkMachine420 | References the honking horns associated with the troll character Gamzee Makara. |
DanceStuckMaster | Combines “DanceStuck,” which is a term used to describe animated fan content related to Homestuck, with “Master” to suggest proficiency in this activity. |
PieEatingTroll | Possibly a playful reference to trolls in Homestuck and their various peculiarities. |
SocksWithSandals | Could humorously reference the fashion choices of certain characters in Homestuck, or simply be a quirky username in line with the comic’s eccentric themes. |
JuggaloJester | References Juggalos, fans of the music group Insane Clown Posse, which is sometimes associated with Gamzee Makara due to his clown-like appearance. “Jester” adds to the playful and clownish theme. |
PranksterPants | References the Trickster Mode, a special state characters can enter in Homestuck that makes them hyperactive and mischievous. “Pants” adds a playful touch. |
ClownNaptime | Combines the clown theme associated with Gamzee Makara with a whimsical reference to naptime, adding a humorous twist. |
TricksterGiggles | References the Trickster Mode again, with “Giggles” adding a lighthearted touch. |
GlubGlubGiggles | “Glub Glub” is the sound that trolls make when underwater, and “Giggles” adds a playful element to it. |
MirthfulMischief | “Mirthful” means full of joy or laughter, which ties into the playful nature of many Homestuck characters. “Mischief” suggests a mischievous and prankster-like behavior, which is common in the comic. |
😍 ♡ ♥💕❤😘If you are looking for more fantasy name ideas, check out our article on Funny Pet Rock names and Cool Homestuck Troll Name Generator.😍 ♡ ♥💕❤😘

Homestuck Female Troll Name Generator
Here are some randomly generated female troll names in the style of Homestuck:
- Vyllira Seroka
- Thalyxis Vetlas
- Nylphia Azelis
- Zylsara Kanara
- Kallina Brolis
- Celtris Vylora
- Mirkina Nyltas
- Rylkara Kralis
- Syrkan Vetlas
- Phyrza Azelis
- Celtra Kanara
- Kynara Brolis
- Ryltara Vylora
- Thalina Nyltas
- Kallina Kralis
- Zadira Zekira
- Nereia Seroka
- Zylria Vetlas
- Indira Zekira
- Mirkina Vylora

Male Homestuck Troll Name Generator
Homestuck male troll name generator
- Thalrus Seroka
- Rylzah Vetlas
- Syrkon Azelis
- Zylros Kanara
- Celkan Brolis
- Kynris Vylora
- Mirkal Nyltas
- Phyrkas Kralis
- Vylkara Zekira
- Thalros Seroka
- Zylkan Vetlas
- Celtyrus Azelis
- Mirkus Kanara
- Phyrkon Brolis
- Nereus Vylora
- Kynria Nyltas
- Thalzah Kralis
- Rylkara Zekira
- Syrkus Seroka
- Phyrkon Vetlas
Random Troll Name Generator Homestuck
This list has the names of all the trolls, randomly generated in the style of Homestuck:
- Zalzak Pyrope
- Vekrisa Serket
- Thyriza Makara
- Ralkan Vantas
- Firkal Peixes
- Dyltan Captor
- Kylzun Makara
- Syrkan Pyrope
- Vylzah Vantas
- Nixlis Peixes
- Thexran Serket
- Rylkan Ampora
- Zalvun Leijon
- Syrkal Captor
- Dylrisa Zahhak
- Hyrlan Megido
- Vorlun Zahhak
- Gryzra Ampora
- Hyrtal Leijon
- Nolrik Megido

List of All Homestuck Characters Names
Here is a List of all Homestuck characters. It is a complete list of all the Homestuck troll names found so far. There are 32 trolls in total, including the alternate timeline trolls and the dream selves of the beta trolls.
- Aradia Megido
- Tavros Nitram
- Sollux Captor
- Nepeta Leijon
- Kanaya Maryam
- Terezi Pyrope
- Vriska Serket
- Equius Zahhak
- Eridan Ampora
- Feferi Peixes
- Gamzee Makara
- Karkat Vantas
- Meenah Peixes
- Kurloz Makara
- Horuss Zahhak
- Mituna Captor
- Latula Pyrope
- Aranea Serket
- Rufioh Nitram
- Damara Megido
- Cronus Ampora
- Meulin Leijon
- Porrim Maryam
- Kankri Vantas
- Equius Zahhak (alternate timeline)
- Nepeta Leijon (alternate timeline)
- Feferi Peixes (alternate timeline)
- Gamzee Makara (alternate timeline)
- Terezi Pyrope (alternate timeline)
- Vriska Serket (alternate timeline)
- Equius Zahhak (dream self)
- Nepeta Leijon (dream self)
- Feferi Peixes (dream self)
- Gamzee Makara (dream self)
- Terezi Pyrope (dream self)
- Vriska Serket (dream self)
Homestuck Sea troll name
Thalja | Derived from Thalassa, which means “sea” in Greek. |
Nereus | In Greek mythology, Nereus was a sea god, often associated with the Mediterranean Sea. |
Marlia | A variation of Marilla, which means “shining sea” in Latin. |
Indira | A name of Sanskrit origin, meaning “beauty of the sea.” |
Pelagi | Pelagia, which means “of the sea” in Greek. |
Triton | In Greek mythology, Triton was a sea god and the son of Poseidon. |

Homestuck Indigo Troll Names
Cerulean Seroka | Cerulean is a shade of blue, evoking images of the sky or sea. Seroka is a variant of the surname “Siroka,” which means “broad” in Czech. |
Cobalt Vetlas | Cobalt is a deep blue pigment. Vetlas is a variant of the surname “Vetle,” which means “rule of the people” in Norwegian. |
Lapis Azelis | Lapis Lazuli is a bright blue gemstone. Azelis is a variant of the surname “Azels,” which has no widely recognized meaning. |
Cyan Kanara | Cyan is a bright blue-green color. Kanara is a variant of the surname “Kaner,” which means “merchant” in German. |
Indigo Brolis | Indigo is a deep blue-purple color. Brolis is a Lithuanian word meaning “brother.” |
Cyan Vylora | Cyan is a bright blue-green color. Vylora is a unique name with no widely recognized meaning. |
Lapis Nyltas | Lapis Lazuli is a bright blue gemstone. Nyltas is a unique name with no widely recognized meaning. |
Cobalt Kralis | Cobalt is a deep blue pigment. Kralis is a variant of the surname “Kral,” which means “king” in Czech. |
Cerulean Zekira | Cerulean is a shade of blue. Zekira is a variant of the surname “Zekir,” which has no widely recognized meaning. |
Homestuck Troll OC name
- Zyphira Makara
- Vryston Ampora
- Nyxalis Serket
- Kallara Pyrope
- Thalix Vetlas
- Zadira Zahhak
- Celkan Leijon
- Phyrnas Captor
- Rylzia Megido
- Indira Nitram

Homestuck Troll Name Generator FAQs
How do you make a Homestuck troll name?
- random troll name generator Homestuck
- Homestuck troll generator name,
How many trolls are in Homestuck?
The most important trolls in Homestuck are twelve, they are introduced in pairs with their human counterparts. These post-scratch trolls, also known as the Dancestors, play a more important role in the storyline.
Troll Name | Introduced Alongside |
Aradia Megido | John Egbert |
Tavros Nitram | Rose Lalonde |
Sollux Captor | Dave Strider |
Karkat Vantas | Jade Harley |
Nepeta Leijon | Jane Crocker |
Kanaya Maryam | Jake English |
Terezi Pyrope | Roxy Lalonde |
Vriska Serket | Dirk Strider |
Equius Zahhak | Calliope |
Gamzee Makara | Caliborn |
Eridan Ampora | Calliope (Alt) |
Feferi Peixes | Caliborn (Alt) |
Do the trolls in Homestuck have gender?
Yes, the trolls in Homestuck have gender. Some are male and some are female.
How do you come up with a Homestuck troll name?
To come up with a Homestuck troll name, you can use a combination of letters and sounds that fit the style of troll names in the Homestuck universe.
What are the kids with Homestuck’s names?
The kids with Homestuck names are John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, and Jade Harley.
How old are Trolls Homestuck?
The trolls in Homestuck have a variety of ages, but they are all around the same age range as human teenagers.
Can trolls get pregnant in Homestuck?
In the Homestuck universe, trolls have a different way of reproduction, so they don’t get pregnant like humans do.
What is the highest blood color in Homestuck?
The highest blood color in Homestuck is fuchsia.
Who are all of the Homestuck trolls?
They are Homestuck trolls along with their associated symbols:
- Aradia Megido – ♈
- Tavros Nitram – ♉
- Sollux Captor – ♊
- Karkat Vantas – ♋
- Nepeta Leijon – ♌
- Kanaya Maryam – ♍
- Terezi Pyrope – ♎
- Vriska Serket – ♏
- Equius Zahhak – ♐
- Gamzee Makara – ♑
- Eridan Ampora – ♒
- Feferi Peixes – ♓